Professional Catering

Discover the complete Vesta product range dedicate to Professional Catering.

Roasting, steaming, au gratin, core probe temperature control, low temperature cooking with ∆T function, frying, boiling and combinations of different technics are the possibility offered by Vesta ovens.

4 Levels GN 1/1 COMBI

Manual Oven (0L0411M)

5 Levels GN 1/1 COMBI

Manual Oven (0L0511M)

6 Levels GN 1/1 COMBI

Manual Oven (0L0611M)

7 Levels GN 1/1 COMBI

Manual Oven (0L0711M)

10 Levels GN 1/1 COMBI

Manual Oven (0L1011M)

12 Levels GN 1/1 COMBI

Manual Oven (0L1211M)

4 Levels GN 1/1 COMB

Digital Oven (0L0411E)

5 Levels GN 1/1 COMBI

Digital Oven (0L0511E)

6 Levels GN 1/1 COMBI

Digital Oven (0L0611E)

7 Levels GN 1/1 COMBI

Digital Oven (0L0711E)

10 Levels GN 1/1 COMBI

Digital Oven (0L1011E)

12 Levels GN 1/1 COMBI

Digital Oven (0L1211E)

4 Levels GN 1/1 COMBI

Manual Advance Oven (0L0411M_ADV)

5 Levels GN 1/1 COMBI

Manual Advance Oven (0L0511M_ADV)

6 Levels GN 1/1 COMBI

Manual Advance Oven (0L0611M_ADV)

7 Levels GN 1/1 COMBI

Manual Advance Oven (0L0711M_ADV)

10 Levels GN 1/1 COMBI

Manual Advance Oven (0L1011M_ADV)

12 Levels GN 1/1 COMBI

Manual Advance Oven (0L1211M_ADV)

4 Levels GN 1/1 COMBI

Digital Advance Oven (0L0411E_ADV)

5 Levels GN 1/1 COMBI

Digital Advance Oven (0L0511E_ADV)

6 Levels GN 1/1 COMBI

Digital Advance Oven (0L0611E_ADV)

7 Levels GN 1/1 COMBI

Digital Advance Oven (0L0711E_ADV)

10 Levels GN 1/1 COMBI

Digital Advance Oven (0L1011E_ADV)

12 Levels GN 1/1 COMBI

Digital Advance Oven (0L1211E_ADV)

4 Levels GN 1/1 + 600x400 COMBI

Manual Slim Oven (0I0411M)

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Need further information?

Do not hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to answer to all your questions

© Vesta Srl | P. IVA IT 05188480288 | Capitale Sociale: € 100,000 i.v. | REA: PD-449908